
Volunteer Clipart


Holmes Elementary is renowned in the community for its excellence in academic achievement and the exceptional educational experience enjoyed by our students. This is made possibly largely in part by the high level of involvement from the community and the families of our students. We are grateful to everyone who takes the initiative to get involved and we welcome new volunteers!

Many people think volunteering at their child's school takes a large time commitment, and isn't a viable option for working parents. This is not true! If you don't have a lot of time to spare, there are simple ways you can help. The Holmes PTA funds a wide array of programs, and is always in need of good volunteers to keep them up and running.

You can make a monetary pledge, enroll in Amazon Smile, or participating in other fundraising programs.

NOTE: All volunteers are required to complete a NEW Volunteer Application every year.

If you plan to volunteer during the 2022-2023 school year, you will need to fill out a NEW application and turn it into the office at least 2 weeks prior to volunteering.

You can pick up a volunteer application in the office. Return completed forms to the Holmes office.  Please contact Raquel Gonzalez [email protected], Elementary School Assistant and Volunteer Coordinator if you have questions.

Volunteer Requirements:

All volunteers are required to have a TB Clearance Card on file to volunteer in a classroom.  This can be obtained by seeing your doctor/local clinic to have a TB test administered, or come in and see Nurse Birgitte on Tuesdays and she can administer the TB Risk Assessment Questionnaire.   

NOTE: TB Clearance Cards are Good for Four Years from the Date of the Test or Questionnaire.

For more information about the new volunteer procedures, please visit the SDUSD website.

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